Recently, someone asked me what I think is the most powerful well-being practice for people to use. Very quickly I responded GRATITUDE. What is the Power of Gratitude? Those who practice gratitude daily either as an integrated experience of how they look at life or a more structured practice have better physical and mental health.…
Emotions are Cues, What are Yours Signaling?
We know intuitively that we often respond in life based on emotions, information from our limbic system. Those uncomfortable emotions you’re feeling about work and your situation are providing you with information. Get curious and look more deeply at the emotion. Emotions are cues, what are they signaling? What you find out about yourself can…
Physician Burnout and How to Avert Burnout
The Medscape National Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2018 was recently published. It looked at individuals’ responses to a variety of questions and helped to identify both the reasons for physician burnout and what physicians who don’t experience burnout are doing to avert burnout. Below are a few highlights of the results from over 15,500…
Gratitude for Well-Being
Gratitude is a strong happiness booster. Positive Psychology research has found that being thankful and appreciative is one of the most powerful ways to move toward a more positive outlook and attitude. Gratitude is so powerful that happiness researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky refers to gratitude as a “metastrategy.” Simply put, practice gratitude for well-being. Double meaning…
Savor to Tap into Your Well-Being
Right now, you may be caught up in the moment and experiencing the intensity of your day from work and after work. Even in the moments of overwhelm there may be something that you can look forward to. What is it? Savoring provides you with a way to extend the positive experiences you have. You…
Take Charge to Build Positivity
Does being in charge ever make you feel uncomfortable? Do your colleagues balk that you’re overlooking their work, when you’re getting an overview of what’s going on so you can help plan distribution of work and admissions, as they come in. There are ways you can take charge to build positivity and lessen burnout. It…