New Year’s is a perfect opportunity for thinking about what we want in the year to come. It’s fun to imagine the stretch of time to accomplish and have fun. Before rushing into last minute resolutions and goal setting, check-in on the year that just was. This reflection grounds your planning
- Learn from the past to inform the future,
- Continue with what’s working for you and decrease what is less desirable.
- Generate specific ideas for your goal setting.
Schedule some time during the lull after Christmas or over the long New Year’s week-end to take out your calendar, a piece of paper, before planning, review. You can review by asking yourself a few questions. You’ll have an opportunity to find the wisdom you may have overlooked. Here are a few prompts to get you started,
- What is one thing I did this year that I’m proud of? Acknowledge your accomplishments, don’t overlook them. Make your plan from a position of strength.
- What is one mistake I made and the lesson learned? This is not an overview of what did not go well during the year, but more specific so that you can focus on what you learned and how you can grow.
- What is an experience I had when I felt really alive and engaged? Identify what you brought to the experience; what strengths and skills you brought. Think of ways you can have more of these experiences and then plan a few.
- What is one thing to let go of before 2019? A project, a goal that keeps coming back that you are honestly not interested in. What hurts, fears, resentments, stories you tell yourself that you can let go of? Lighten your psychic load.
From here, set yourself up for the 2019 you’ll look forward to.
- What you want to accomplish
- How you want to be in 2019
- Specific activities to do more of
- What you want to let go of for a better 2019
- And some adventures you may have been thinking of but were hesitant to take on
So pull up your calendar and let the review of 2018 begin, and with intention make some plans for 2019.
Participate in Your Plan for Well-Being to personalize your goal setting and have an accountability partner for the year ahead.
May you have a New Year of fulfillment and success as you define it.
Revitalize Your Life,
Dina, 203.744.YOU3 (9683)
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