This week-end provides you with an opportunity to take a moment to slow down and think about it, When do you rush? Why do You rush? and How does rushing make you feel?
Here’s what some people I know came up with:
- I rush when my calendar and to do list are full, because I have a lot to do
- I rush because I’m impatience
- I rush during transitions, like driving; I’m not really doing what I want or getting things done, and this time seems a bit like a waste of time.
- I rush when I’m thinking about the next thing – next patient, next call coming up, next obligation. When I’m distracted by what’s coming next, or in the near future.
- I rush when I have to deal with unpleasant tasks.
When does rushing serve you? Frankly, sometimes it does; not everything needs slow and precise attention. At work with deadlines and shift changes and all that needs to get done prior to the end of the day, rushing may at times be necessary. As a physician or nurse there is a lot to cover. Between documentation, assessment, patient education and counseling, it may seem that you have to rush. This can lead to a mismatch with your patients who are unable or uninterested in the rush and may resent it. You’re in a bind. All the rushing around, especially when you get negative feedback from patients, can lead to your burnout.
What may be most important with regard to rushing is that you are at choice. Awareness of the rushing is a necessary first step to being able to choose if you want to rush or not. When you start noticing, you may be surprised by how often and when you are zipping through life.
Simply taking a few deep breathes may help you to center yourself and allow you to slow down enough to concentrate without backing up your day.
Take advantage of the Memorial Day long week-end so you can experience “Summertime, and the livin’ is easy” . Slow down, Pause and Breathe. See what you can become aware of in these moments.
To cultivate your well-being and be at choice more often, contact me.
Revitalize Your Life,
Dina, 203.744.YOU3 (9683), Well-Being Coach
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