This may seem like an odd question from a coaching site for Heart Health and Well Being, however it is fundamental. There is a theory of wellness which views our physical signs, symptoms and diagnoses as the outward manifestation of underlying aspects of our lives. These are “the tip of the iceberg,” underneath is the more vast foundation which supports what is so visible.
In this theory, what is closest to the surface is lifestyle and behaviors; underneath this are cultural, psychological and motivational aspects of our lives, and below this is the wider foundation of a spiritual, being and meaning realm. The base in this model is this being and meaning aspect. “Who are you?” is the question related to being.
So getting back to “Who do you want to be in 2012?” A big question, its answer can direct you to make choices to live the life you want. When decision points come up, as they do on a regular basis, daily and even moment to moment, remembering who you want to be can motivate you to choose wisely so that you will be able to manifest your purpose and experience the meaning you may yearn for. Holding the vision of who you want to be for yourself as well as with someone you love, i.e. a spouse, friend, child or grandchild, may help you say “NO” to the dessert. Envisioning an active lifestyle for yourself or with this person can serve as a reminder to go for the walk you have been putting off. Along the way of making and maintaining changes, remembering the big payoff of who you want to be maintains momentum for the necessary choices.
Who do you want to be? Here are some ideas to figure it out.
Work with a coach, me, starting with the foundation of who you want to be and working on all the levels of your well-being.
Make a vision board – cut out photos from magazines and elsewhere that attract you, the lifestyle you would like, and make a collage which will inspire you; hang it where you will see it regularly
Think about peak moments in your life, both past and relatively recent. Look for any themes which made them so enjoyable; now, think about ways to have more of this joy.
Who do I want to be? Your coach for living your life of well-being.
Please share who you want to be and what motivates you.
Dina, certified coach
M.S. Nursing
203 744-YOU3 (9683)