We each have qualities which we wish we showed more of; here are a couple of mine – confidence, and leadership. Recently, I was reading The Uncompromised by Ron Renaud (one of my CTI leaders) and was reminded of a simple process, Accountability.
Here’s what you can do, choose a quality which you want to have more of, and then write down 3 examples of this quality. Your examples make the idea real and provide action steps you can take which demonstrate that you are growing in the quality. Now for the accountability piece, commit to doing the action a certain number of times a day or week and keep track. For some people this part works better if you have an accountability partner; you commit to your action steps, let another person know the commitment and then follow up with this person on a regular basis, daily , weekly or whatever time frame is appropriate.
Here are a couple of examples. Let’s say you want to be more encouraging. You demonstrate this at work by giving specific compliments to those that work with you and by acknowledging and incorporating others’ ideas. Example 2- you see yourself as healthy and want more. Action steps – walk 20 minutes a day, limit alcohol to 2 drinks a day when you drink, or eat 2 fruits a day. It is important to be specific with the action steps; the more easily measurable the easier it is to keep track of yourself.
The accountability piece comes by you checking in with yourself or reporting to your partner about how you are doing with your action steps. At the end of any given day you will know if you exhibited the quality you want to embrace.
What do you want more of? Post your commitments here and we can be your accountability partner.
For developing the qualities you want in your life that lead to your well being, contact me.
Dina, 203 744.YOU3 (9683)