It’s now the third week of the New Year, how are you doing on sticking with your plans? This is about the time when people begin to “forget” about their resolutions. Above are some other words I’ve been reading which refer to what we set out to accomplish this year, a vision, goals and even choices we hope to make. Each word has its own meaning, some more related to who we want to be and others more to a specific task.
So, what’s keeping you motivated? What’s getting in your way?
Below are some of the ways my clients and I keep motivated, perhaps you use these or can share other success techniques.
- Holding the big vision – reconnecting to this by keeping inspiring quotations, vision boards, and information that reminds us, visual or written, on the bulletin board or “refrigerator door.”
- Positive affirmations – these can include aspects of what is wanted. Here are some openings: “I have all that I need to be…” “I am worthy to be/have/experience …” “What I need (be specific) is present and will reveal itself at the right time.” These help me focus on the positive and thus overcome some of the obstacles.
- Writing down activities related to a goal – this reinforces the commitment to the goal and then provides a way to chart progress. In this way, we anticipate some of the obstacles and plan for how to avoid or navigate around them. For example – eating a more heart healthy diet, menu planning each day and recording what has been eaten, then reviewing we notice the gap between the plan and the result and increase awareness of nutrition to plan better for a more a heart healthy diet.
- Rewarding ourselves –while there may be inherent rewards in following through on your resolutions, it is nice to reward yourself for the progress you are making especially in difficult areas. These changes were probably difficult, that’s why they required resolutions. Some rewards my clients and I use are: going out for a walk mid-day, buying fresh flowers, calling a friend, and wearing special perfume, clothing or jewelry.
- Working with a coach – this reinforces the commitment, provides an ally, a way to develop strategies for success and overcoming saboteurs and obstacles, accountability and a reality check so we each keep in mind the wonderful vision we’re capable of.
What’s keeping you going with what you want to accomplish in the New Year?
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