The autumn is a time of introspection in the Jewish calendar, reviewing the past year and one’s own role within it. Seeing how we missed the mark and setting the intention to do better in the upcoming year. We all fall short at times but that does not make us wrong. When we broaden a…
Gratitude and Motivation
Did you feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude soon after your heart attack, angioplasty or bypass? It is common to feel a tremendous sense of appreciation and new opportunity once you realize that you have survived a possibly life threatening event. Sometimes this sense of gratitude evolves into nagging questions like “what is my life…
Gratitude and Motivation
Did you feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude soon after your heart attack, angioplasty or bypass? It is common to feel a tremendous sense of appreciation and new opportunity once you realize that you have survived a possibly life threatening event. Sometimes this sense of gratitude evolves into nagging questions like “what is my life…
Lessons from Hurricane Irene
About a week and a half ago we experienced Hurricane/tropical storm Irene in the Northeast. By the end of last week most of the people I know had power back and were able to return to a life more familiar to them than being a “pioneer” within their own homes. What are some of the…
Lessons from Hurricane Irene
About a week and a half ago we experienced Hurricane/tropical storm Irene in the Northeast. By the end of last week most of the people I know had power back and were able to return to a life more familiar to them than being a “pioneer” within their own homes. What are some of the…
Having courage and having heart
The Latin root “cour” refers to heart, the core of a person. There is a relationship between having courage and having heart. Many people with heart disease are aware of the urgency to live their dreams and yet fear gets in the way. Are there things that you want in your life? Changes you wish…