Last week when I was at my daughter’s high school graduation, the president of the board who is also a parent of another graduate spoke. He mentioned that activity grants immunity. The idea stood out to me. He was speaking to the graduates and encouraging them to be active in their classes and college communities, and in so doing they will be immune to some of the less positive aspects of college life.
The phrase activity grants immunity applies to our lives and renewal for us as well. Being physically active we increase our resistance to a variety of illnesses and help to stave off vascular disease, which is at the root of most heart disease. Engaging in physically activity from gardening to an exercise routine brings awareness of our body; the sense of physical power enhances our sense of personal power.
Being active with ideas, deeds, projects and people that have meaning for us renews us spiritually and emotionally. Being aware of our values and acting on them reinforces our sense of self and can boost our immunity to negative thinking. Maintaining a positive sense of self decreases the risk for depression which is an independent risk factor of heart disease as well as risk factor for other negative outcomes.
Here’s a list of perks of being active.
- Better mood – physical activity increases endorphins, the feel good hormone; acting on our values increases our sense of self-worth.
- Less stress – physical activity provides a physical release for the build-up of tension; acting on values provides consistency which decreases stress regarding our identities; with less stress you’ll probably sleep better too.
- More energy – physical activity overtime expands your capacity to do more before becoming fatigued; doing what is meaningful has a way of conferring energy even when we feel it flagging.
- Higher Self-Esteem – being physically active and engaged in activities which are meaningful will boost confidence.
What is an activity you can be involved with this week to increase your immunity?
To develop your activity plan to increase your immunity contact me.
Dina, 203 744-YOU3