Vital Signs of Well Being® is a program for burnout prevention and recovery. The medical vital signs of Temperature, Pulse, Respirations, and Blood Pressure, T, P, R, B/P, provide a quick look at how a person is doing from the view of physical health. Vital Signs of Well-Beingtm uses a broader perspective of well-being to look at what and how you Take In, Put Forth, Relate Positively and Be Present. This program provides strategies to enhance each of these areas of life. The information and exercises motivates participants, let them know it is possible to achieve well-being and offer them ways to get there. Vital Signs of Well-Beingtm is based on research in Positive Psychology, coaching others and Dina’s experience recovering from burnout.
Organizations that bring this to their employees can benefit in the following ways, attendees will walk away with strategies for:
- Increasing resilience
- Improving performance
- Greater engagement
Studies have shown that well-being is associated with a range of positive organizational outcomes.
Vital Signs of Well Being® provides tested tools to encourage flourishing. The impact if this program is enhanced with coaching for individual participants, especially those in leadership positions.
Individuals participating in Vital Signs of Well-Being coaching develop strategies to regain their passion and energy and increase their impact in work and life.
Vital Signs of Well Being® is available in several formats.
- 50 – 90 minutes Keynote Inter-Active Introductory Presentation
- 3 Hour workshop – includes interaction, and worksheets so participants have a SMART plan and will be able to share ideas with others
- 1/2 day or full day program
- Ongoing development and accountability program
- 6 session interactive group program with coaching between sessions
This program is highly interactive and offers opportunities to build relationships among those present. The activities support participants to reconnect with their passion, renew energy, acknowledge and increase the impact they have at work and in life.
Participants will engage in a variety of exercises depending on the time available. They will have the opportunity to learn the value of being positive and strategies to increase optimism.
The power of our partnership leads to success, even for those who have tried and failed to make changes before.

Contact me to explore how I can work with you or your group to improve well-being. Dina, ACC, M.S. Nursing, Well-Being Coach.