The concept of feedforward has interested me since I heard the term. Recently, I was reading What Got You Here Won’t Get You There and the idea became clearer. Feedforward is about doing better in the future without necessarily looking at the past.
My assumption is that we all have some area in our lives that we want to improve. Even when, or perhaps especially, when you’re burnout, there is a desire for life to be better. In this book by Marshal Goldsmith the focus is on improving interpersonal habits. He explains the 4 step process as
Step 1 Self-initiated – Pick one behavior you would like to change. Goldsmith recommends choosing one which will make a significant, positive difference in your life. For example I want to be more supportive of my co-workers.
Step 2 Let others know what you want to achieve. Talk to people one-on-one to let them know. Speak to as many people as you like. No need to be embarrassed, people are inspired by hearing others desire to make positive changes. This request builds your relationship.
Step 3 Ask the person you are speaking with for two suggestions as to what might help you achieve the positive change. Using the example above, “What two ideas do you think I can implement to become more supportive of my co-workers?”
There is no mention of the past and even people who don’t know you well may have ideas. The other does not have to be an expert either. Lots of people have ideas and they are flattered when asked to share them.
Step 4 – Listen to the suggestion without judging it. Goldsmith recommends that the only response you can give is “Thank you.” No evaluating and saying even things like “that’s a good idea.” Just express appreciation.
When asking people for advise in an area you are publicly declaring you want to get better. This sets up a sense of accountability to make changes in the area. People may be watching you with both skepticism and a desire to be supportive.
Overtime, you may notice a pattern to the suggestions and what sits right with what you know you should do to improve. You get to decide what ideas you will implement.
I’ve been engaging in this process recently regarding my eBook, Vital Signs of Well-Being which will be published soon with Kindle. I’ve been soliciting ideas for improvement. I’d like expand the process and get your ideas too. Please give me 2 suggestions as to how you think I can improve the Heart of Well-Being website and the blog posts. Leave a reply. Thank you.
Now back to you. What can you learn from others by asking them, “What are 2 ideas you have for how I can live more in the present or focus on the positive or work more efficiently….?” or whatever your area of interest is.
For support in moving toward your greater well-being, contact me.
Revitalize Your Life,
Dina, 203.744.YOU3 (9683), Well-Being Coach
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